2025 Class Membership Sign-Up and Renewal Available

The T-10 Class Association has opened our 2025 class membership sign-up and renewal. As it has been for the past decade, regular membership cost remains at $50. Members renewing after May 1 will incur a $50 late fee in addition to the $50 membership cost. 2024 memberships end on March 31, 2025.

Associate membership remains FREE!

To sign up or renew, click on the join/renew button in the menu. Or click HERE.

T-10 Class Association Rule 2.5.7 states 'No yacht shall race unless the helmsman is a full member of the T-10 Class Association.'

T-10 Class Association Rule 2.5.8 states ‘No yacht shall race without a current T-10 Class Association Membership sticker placed near the aft end of the Starboard side of the boom.’