The following information is provided to support
T-Ten Fleet 19 Racing Program at CYC & EYC (Editing 2019)
T-Ten Fleet 19 Rules and Racing Information
2019 T-Ten Fleet 19 FINAL Sailing Instruction: coming soon.
2019 T-Ten Fleet 19 Dues, National Dues and EYC/CYC Race Fee Payment Record (below)
2019 Eligibility to race and count scores in Fleet 19: In order to scored in Fleet 19 (Wed. & Sun.), you must be: 1)Be Registered and paid in the CYC or EYC program, 2) Paid member of the T-Ten Association($50) and 3)Paid member Fleet 19. Fleet 19 dues can be paid to Pat Mahoney or left in the T-Ten box in the EYC chartroom.
First counted race on Sunday 5/28. Dues must be paid to be scored. All new entries after the first race will be with dates to identify payment. Payment prior to the fist race will be noted as YES
All three dues: National, Fleet & Club Race Fee must be paid before a race can be scored
2019 Race Committee
June =
June =
August =
August =
EYC - Edgewater Yacht Club (information covering T-Ten Fleet 19 2018 races at EYC) 2019 coming soon
2018 EYC NOR Drop Mark Course (coming soon)
2017 CRW One-Design & Offshore -link to NOR, Registration, entries etc.=>
Link to sign up for EYC One Design Racing (coming soon)
Flyer 2018 T-Ten Lake Erie Championship (coming soon)
CYC - Cleveland Yachting Club (Information covering T-Ten Fleet 19 2017 races at CYC
(Questions Harald Bransch)
2018 Joint CYC - EYC Races (coming soon)
CrewSignUp Website -- online assistance in crew management
This website is an online crew management software. Click June 2014 TenSpeed - Crew Organization for more information. All you need to do is register your boat, import the Fleet 19 Series, make modification for your schedule, input your crew, assign a password to each crew and mail them the information. Crew can change their availability online and the system will update and send you an email with the change.
If you have questions, contact Ted Mahoney
Fleet 19 Procedure for filing a protest
CYC & EYC agreed that visiting boats wishing to protest Sunday or Wednesday series can do so by notifying the race committee on the water after the race and faxing the completed protest for to the appropriate yacht club within 4 hours of the end of the race. The form may also be delivered in person within the 4 hours.
EYC Fax: (216) 281-0265
CYC Fax: (440) 333-3136