Chicago Fleet 2021 Boat of the Year Awards

The Chicago T-10 Fleet has released the 2021 Boat of the Year Standings and (surprise, surprise!) Erica has once again swept the Port-to-Port, Buoy and Overall Series. Complete results can be found HERE. This continues an outstanding streak for Erica, which swept the series in 2018 and 2019 and took the 2020 PtP series in a year when there was no Buoy or Overall series. Congratulations to Brian Kaczor and crew for another spectacular year!

In the PtP series, Amateur II took 2nd and Retention took 3rd. In both the Buoy and Overall series, Retention was 2nd and Meat was 3rd.

Fleet flags and awards will be handed out this coming Friday, December 3rd at the Chicago T-10 Fleet awards party at Chicago Yacht Club Belmont Station.

Summer 2021 T-10 Class Meeting

The 2021 T-10 Class Association summer meeting will take place Wednesday, August 18th, at 4 pm Central Time at Racine Yacht Club and via Zoom. The agenda can be found HERE and the zoom details are below.

Topic: T10 2021 Summer Meeting
Time: Aug 18, 2021 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 3734 9862
Passcode: 139909
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,88437349862#,,,,*139909# US (Chicago)
+13017158592,,88437349862#,,,,*139909# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 884 3734 9862
Passcode: 139909
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NAC Regulations Update

In March 2020 the T10 Class Association Board voted to approve several changes to the North American Championship regulations. These changes had been not been publicized until now. The updated regulations can be found HERE.

The changes included:

  1. Revised 3.2 to include all perpetual trophies.

  2. Revised 6.2 and 6.3 to limit contestants or co-contestants to World Sailing Group 1 sailors unless full owner of yacht. Relaxed qualification for contestants unless a co-contestant is a non-owner driver.

  3. Added 6.6 to limit drivers contestants.

  4. Added 7 to limit the number of World Sailing Group 3 sailors.

  5. Revised 11.2 to use target times instead of distances.

  6. Revised/Added 12.2 to add minimum and maximum wind limits.

We apologize for this oversight. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your local fleet captain or a member of the board.

Thank you.