Cleveland Fleet 19 has released their 2021 race schedule. As usual, the T-10 fleets remain as some of the most active racing fleets on the Great Lakes! The PDF version is available for download HERE.
Renew your 2021 T-10 Class Association Membership Today!
The 2021 T-10 Class Association renewal is available at There is a $50 late fee for Class renewals that take place after May 1st. The price of class membership remains at $50. Associates can join the National Class for free. Please support your T-10 Class Association and encourage your crew members to sign up as associates.
T-10 Class Association Rule 2.5.7 states 'No yacht shall race unless the helmsman is a full member of the T-10 Class Association.'
T-10 Class Association Rule 2.5.8 states ‘No yacht shall race without a current T-10 Class Association Membership sticker placed near the aft end of the Starboard side of the boom.’
Winter 2021 Class Meeting Minutes
T-10 Class Mold Acquisition Fundraiser
Click HERE to Donate
The T-10 class has the opportunity to acquire the molds that were used to construct the LS-10. Taking ownership of the molds will allow the class to ensure that they are protected, and open up options to the class in the future. To minimize the financial impact on the class, we are seeking donations from class members to help fund the purchase.