While the spring sailing season may be under postponement for the time being, the T-10 Class has updated the 2020 dues information and opened the website for dues payment. The Class has pushed late payment fee period from May 1st to June 1st as there may be some delays in getting the season started. You can update your class contact information and pay your dues HERE.
Chicago T-10 Meat Featured in Sailing World Article About Railmeets.com
Brian Kennalley, owner of the Chicago T-10 Meat, was recently featured in a Sailing World article about Railmeets.com. RailMeets is an online crew management system developed by two Chicago sailors. The full article can be found HERE.
Updated Class Rules Published
An updated version of the T-10 Class Association rules has been published to the website. The update includes the updated boom rule (approved by class vote on 7/10/18), the updated jib rule (approved by class vote on 2/18/20) and incorporates hyperlinks for easier navigating. The updated class rules can be found HERE.
Jib Rule Update Approved
Class Secretary Blane Boynton recently emailed the results of the recent membership vote on the revised Jib rule update, announcing that the proposed rule change had passed. A PDF version of the results email can be found HERE.