The CMRC has rejected the proposed rule change that would allow for adjustable jib cars. The CMRC has been unable to identify a solution that would work on the LS-10.
The PDF version of the CMRC response can be viewed HERE.
The CMRC has rejected the proposed rule change that would allow for adjustable jib cars. The CMRC has been unable to identify a solution that would work on the LS-10.
The PDF version of the CMRC response can be viewed HERE.
PDF Version of 2023 Winter Meeting Agenda can be viewed HERE.
PDF Version of 2022 Winter Meeting Notes can be viewed HERE.
Date: Sunday, February 5
Time: 12:00PM EST / 11:00 PM CST
Location: Teams Meeting
The attached proposed rule change has been submitted to the Class Association board and is currently being reviewed by the CMRC. If you have questions or comments, please route them through your local fleet captain. When the CMRC has completed its review and issued a recommendations, the rule change will be submitted to the current class voting membership for a vote.
A PDF version of the proposed rule change can be found HERE.