Team I-Ball, Hooligan and Proper Villain strong in Day 2 of the T-10 North Americans

Day 2 Update courtesy of James Keane

Race Four began with a T-Ten class rule abandonment due to a sustained 30 degree shift, with Liquor Box being among the unfortunate leaders at the time. With the wind filling in from the west at 12-15, the restart saw even speed across the course with nearly all competitors trying for the same spot at the weather mark. Team I-Ball and Proper Villain fought it out for 1-2 with somewhat aggressive play on the final downwind.

Race 5 had similar conditions with Troll and Bear benefitting from a right shift on the first leg. Hooligan and I-Ball outworked the competition, playing the shifts up the second beat to find their way into the top 3.

Hooligan, Team I-Ball, Perfect and Cracker Take the Lead on Day 1 of T-10 NAC

Day 1 racing of the 2019 T-10 North American Championship is complete. Hooligan is in first place with 10 points, Team IBall in second with 12 points and Perfect and Cracker tied for 3rd with 13 points. Three different boats took bullets on the day and Chicago favorite Erica finished up with two 2nd place finishes to tie for 4th with Proper Villain.

Complete results can be found at…

Here is the on-the-water report from James Keane on Nuts:
Race 1 saw a heavily favored pin and a long port tack to the first weather mark, with breeze in the 5-7 range out of the east. Nuts rounded mark 1 in first, with Proper Villain and Team I-Ball right behind. Hooligan and Cracker found a left shift on the second beat and made big gains.

Race 2 saw increasing wind, building to 10-15. After 1 general recall Mr. Colling showed he meant business, with the subsequent U-flag start claiming one unfortunate victim (OnePass). The wind continued to veer left, with Perfect and Diamond girl battling for the lead.

Race 3 had the velocity hold and oscillating breeze. The first 4-5 boats got around the weather mark clean, and built a big separation from the rest of the fleet. The the rest of the fleet arrived to the party all at the same time, causing a massive pileup at the top mark.

Less Than Two Weeks Until The 2019 T-10 North American Championships!

The 2019 T-10 North American Championships are less than 2 weeks away and we're hoping that you're as excited as we are! There are currently 28 boats signed up to race and we would love to add to that number. The regatta entry deadline is August 12, 2019.

Race organizers have posted NOR Amendment #1 on the website. This amendment covers NAC regulations regarding class membership requirements and participants having raced in a qualifying series.

Regatta participants are urged to review the Event Document Checklist on the website under Documents & Forms. Don't wait for the last minute to make sure you have everything needed to participate.

Class Measurer Steve Gregory is weighing boats at Riverfront on Friday, August 9th in the afternoon. Call or text him to schedule an appointment: 216-571-1732. Chicago Fleet Measurer Michael Platzke will be weighing NAC-bound boats after Verve Cup racing on Sunday, August 11th at Belmont Harbor. Call or text him to schedule an appointment: 630-853-2950. There will be no boat weighing at Mentor.

Regatta Chair Karen Sackett Rampe politely requests that you respond to her logistics email sent to planned participants earlier this week, particularly if you are an out-of-town boat. She will also be reaching out to collect the perpetual trophies. So if you have one of these trophies, please let her know. Karen can be reached at or 440-479-0132.

Still looking for a hotel for the regatta? Check out the hotel page on the yachtscoring.comwebsite!

And don't forget to pre-order your 2019 NAC apparel from Coral Reef Sailing! Apparel available at the regatta will be limited, so make sure you can get what you want by pre-ordering!