Cleveland T-Ten Fleet 19 2017 Season Summary

Fleet Champion -- Pursue -- Sue MyIntyre & Suzie Florence

Fleet Champion -- Pursue -- Sue MyIntyre & Suzie Florence

By Harald Bransch

Cleveland's Fleet 19 just wrapped up another year of T10 sailing.  Like last year, Fleet 19 is staying solid, with most boats sailing strong, and some boats rotating ownership.   

We started the season in early May, with Cleveland Metroparks, Foundry Sailing and Edgewater yacht Club teaming up to host the first-ever Lake Erie Collegiate Keel Boat Racing event.  A remarkable inaugural effort.  Fleet 19 is proud to be part of youth sail racing.

Once again, Fleet 19 had several racing series that cumulate to an overall championship.   There is a Sunday series, Regatta series, Distance series and Wednesday Evening series.  There was an incredible 67 races scored in all series.

Following is a summary of the results.  This year we celebrate PurSue returning as Fleet 19 Championship boat.

Distance (8 races, high point system)   1. OnePass (31) - Todd Imbler,   Black Box (28) - Bill Buckles / Terry McSweeney, 3. Star Ten (27) - Harald Bransch.

Wednesday  (12/17 races)  1. PurSue (15) - Sue McIntyre / Suzie Florence, 2. Coyote (25) - Trever Dodge, 3. Lazy Lass (35) - Ted Mahoney.

Sunday (12/14 races)  1. Star Ten (17) - Harald Bransch, 2. PurSue (18) - Sue McIntyre / Suzie Florence, 3. Coyote (25) - Trever Dodge.

Regatta (19/28 races) 1. Pursue (42) - Sue McIntyre / Suzie Florence, 2. Star Ten (47) - Harald Bransch, 3. Black Box (510 - Bill Buckles / Terry McSweeney

Championship (29/42 races) 1. Pursue (60) - Sue McIntyre / Suzie Florence, 2. Star Ten (64) - Harald Bransch, 3. Coyote (127) - Trever Dodge.

Chicago T-10 Fleet 2017 Awards and Year End Celebration

Approximately 150 sailors, friends and family gathered at Chicago Yacht Club’s Belmont Station on Friday night (12/8/17) for the annual Chicago T-10 fleet award ceremony and year-end celebration. Brian Kennalley, Craig Roehl, Edward Mui and the crew of Meat were the Port-to-Port series champions, Lou Jacobs and the crew of Skidmarks were the Buoy champions and Meat took home the overall boat of the year award. Congrats to all the Chicago T-10 racers for another wonderful season on and off the water.

Many additional photos are available on the T-10 Class Association Facebook Page